Sunday, October 29, 2006

Holy Frijoles!

Browns win! Browns win! Oh what a glorious day. There's no stopping this freight train now! Super Bowl here we come. Since we're so sophistamicated, let us raise our tubes filled with beer and toast Los Marrones. Salud!

Browns Win!

All that foam is going to cause a problem.
That's it... Blame the foam.



Bone lady. Seriously, what kind of person would wear a weird hat.

Pimpin' in the Deacon's bus.

Bustop Grind.

Too windy.

Ladies love the device.

Dan, Dan, the ladies man.

On the way to the game.

March to victory.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Special Day

For the most part it was business as usual today. The Browns lost, we wore ponchos and sombreros, and there was tequila. But the big story of the day was the spectacular wedding at high noon at the back of the bus. The wedding party stopped by afterwards for some cocktails. Check out the rest of the pics from this raucous tailgate.

Wedding Day

The groom awaits his bride.
Here she comes.

It was a beautiful ceremony. Quote from random old dude: "I ain't never seen a wedding in the muni lot before. Seen a couple rapes, though." And just like that, he was gone.

Kiss the bride.

Impressive tailgate bus.

Everyone wants a sombrero.

The wedding party stopped by.
Insert your own caption here.

To the happy couple! Where are they?

There they are.

Crazy old dude was none too happy with the parking nazis.

Have it your way.

They claim the sign works.

Mexican Hat Dance!

Cluttered table.

Leigh is "special"

Chug that margarita. It's game time.