Sunday, September 07, 2008

Defense Offensive

Where to begin with this one? There was a lot of excitement before the game. Also, a lesson learned for us. Apparently 8am is not early enough to get into the muni lot for a 4pm game. Luckily good timing and some sweet talking got us through the gate. We found a spot and it was go-time.
It rained most the morning, which was a good thing compared to the actual game. The game was ridiculous, highlighted by a fourth quarter field goal to bring the score to a close 28-10. Of course the Browns couldn't get the ball back in the last 10 minutes of the game. So, it's a good thing they got that field goal in.
Jay would like it be known that he showed up to tailgating long before Larry. So, here's your love, Jay. Kudos.

Derek is excited.

First photo-op of the season.

This guy from San Diego wanted to get in the picture, too.

Larry is demonstrating his mad flip cup skills.

The obligatory flag picture.

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