Monday, October 13, 2008

The Browns Looked Like a Professional Football Squadron

Doesn't Larry look like a badass? Yes. He does. And so did the Browns tonight. In a game that must have been fixed, the Cleveland Browns manhandled the world champion New York Giants on Monday Night Football. Hopefully we'll get to see that level of play from our team again in the next 10 years. We'll see.

We were lucky to find a spot in the muni lot, which was interesting considering it was a work day. We were not lucky enough to find adequate room to setup The Device, though. But, that didn't hinder our fun. Speaking of fun, this was one of those rare occasions where the game was more fun than the tailgating. I like those games.

I'm not sure why this picture was taken. Looking at the table, I suspect we were getting ready to enjoy some tequila.

This dude was obsessed with the "turkey dick". Poor guy.

Larry makes this Hummer look cool.

Proud driver of a pimped out, orange Hummer.

I would not drive around the muni lot like that.

This chick had inside information of K2's "illness".

Not really ready for this picture.

This is what happens when you don't setup The Device.